Colouring for adults. You might have heard about this phenomenon. Since a few years the sale of colouring books for adults is booming. Colouring books are still ranking high among other bestseller books on Amazon. Colouring has an anti-stress effect on you that is indisputably scientifically proven.
We strongly encourage creative trends like this. We support the creative wave and its followers. We firmly hope that the positive effects of creating art on our mental health will become even more widely spread.
There are many creative exercises out there that you can perfectly practise alone and that promise you a relaxing, meditative effect.
This is called mindful drawing.
Beside the colouring book trend you maybe might have heard about mandala's or Zentangles. We will dedicate an article on these topics later on.
Example of a mandala: a circular shape, filled with patterns, lines and colour.
Example of a Zentangle: black-and-white art made of unplanned lines filled with beautiful patterns
(Image source:
The reason why we tell you this is because you won't be colouring or creating mandala's or Zentangles in our art coaching sessions because you can practise these exercises without the presence of an art therapist.
In our art coaching sessions we invite you to create art that is especially meant to overcome certain obstacles in your life. The art-making will bring back your memory, will trigger emotions and eventually will give you new insights about your situation and what can be done to improve it.
Currently we tackle three themes in our sessions:
- Art coaching session: boost your self-esteem -> You will learn about your strengths and the creative process will grow your self-confidence.
- Art coaching session: reduce your stress and anxiety ->
What is causing you stress and anxiety and how can you reduce it?
You will eventually feel more balanced and happy.
- Find your call ->
Find out what your really want in life - for the ones who have a hard time making decisions and are rethinking their life choices. You will discover your call.
The art coaching sessions are for individuals and last one hour. Make yourself comfortable at home, have a relaxing tea, gather some art supplies, tune in online to create personal art with a dedicated art therapist, who's full of energy to support and guide you.
We cannot wait to start showing you what we do and what a positive impact it can have on your mental health.
Whenever you have some questions, just contact us. We offer 15 min. free consults to ask us anything you want to know about art coaching.
Kind regards,
Founder & Art Therapist