This is a personal blog post, straight from the heart. We are now one month live and it is interesting to review where we stand today.
I will sum up the things I have learned, what makes me proud and what we can still improve.
It is Sunday evening, and I am sitting in front of the computer. Nothing new, as I am doing that already for a few months now. Hands-on Art is not a nine to five job. Evening work became a standard thing and I don't mind. I am passionate about what I do and I love spending time working on my new business.
Status update:
- Our first clients have found their way to Hands-on Art and they keep on booking new appointments.
- Overall they are all positive about our service and a few of them wrote very good reviews on Facebook and Google. (I am making a little jump for joy).
- We received our first requests for online team buildings (Yay about that!). They are enthusiastic about the fact that we send a package to all employees homes with art supplies.
- Many people are suffering nowadays from the worldwide pandemic. The step to go to a therapist or a life coach is often too big (and the cost is too high). The feedback that we received is that we are not seen as therapy and therefore easily approachable and a good way to get insights on where you are and where you want to be in order to boost your happiness.
- Online art therapy is perceived as positive and the experience feels real.
- We are busy and we are on track!
- As an art therapist it is so rewarding to know that you are helping people. The joy that I experience from helping others with their mental health is immense.
- Every story is different. No session is the same. Every session needs preparation. As an art therapist you need to be on-topic. 1 hour of art coaching is intense. You are listening to your client's stories, staying hyper focused, asking the right questions, offering guidance and support.
- Efficiency is key. We start with a goal in mind. The art therapy exercises are goal-oriented.
- Being empathic, yet keeping a professional distance is important.
- Explaining clients that it is not about making a pretty art work, becomes standard. There is no judgement in my sessions. It is all about the client's insights that will help him overcome certain obstacles.
- So far it is the most interesting and challenging job I ever had!
- I "escaped" the corporate jungle because it was eventually too much of a world full of sharks and I realised that I am everything but a shark.
- I am leaving a career in marketing behind. One of the reasons why I studied art therapy is that I want to help people, have a social job, do something for the good goal.
- Already after a few days I noticed that setting up a new business is all about marketing, and again about selling products. Finally we need to convince our clients to book a session with us. That is a tiny bummer I did not keep into account :)
- Frankly I just want to focus on our core business and that is art therapy!
- Since we are a start-up, we are in a start-up phase and every start-up needs to go to market.
- Instagram: we have now 132 followers. So happy about each and every individual that is following us. Thank you so much! Thank you for liking my posts!
- Every like and every follow is seen by me, and makes my day.
- Facebook: we have now 95 followers. Mostly my own personal friends that pushed the like button after I invited them to follow. Still, this is very much appreciated.
- Another big learning, it is not because you are friends (or let's say friends on Facebook or Instagram that people automatically push the like or follow button).
- I try not to feel upset about it.
- It is a good learning, it makes me think - what can I improve? How can I reach a bigger audience?
- On the other hand I also tell myself it is niche business. Not everyone is into art. But I noticed that the ones that are cheering for you, are your real fans. There is such a big community of art therapists out there, all trying their best, the one succeeding more than the other, but all trying to change people's wellbeing by adding a little color to people's lives.
- It is a study that never ends and requires long life learning. I am very committed to keep myself updated and keep on learning new things.
- I start my day full of energy, knowing that there is some work to do. As a matter of fact lots of work.
Thanks for your support.
Stay creative!
Best wishes,
Founder & Art Therapist